What is vitamin T? | Daily Mail Online
There isn't actually a vitamin called vitamin T. Vitamins are defined as
essential nutritional substances that have to be provided by food because
they can't be manufactured by the body. Under this definition, A, the B
complex, C, and E all count as vitamins. Vitamins D and K only just sneak
into the definition because the skin can manufacture some vitamin D in the
presence of sunlight, and bacteria in the gut keep us supplied with at least
some of our vitamin K requirements.
Sometimes, other food substances are nicknamed as particular 'vitamins',
e.g. essential fatty acids are called vitamin 'F' and bioflavonoids are
called vitamin 'P'. But I can't find any definitive reference as to what
might be meant by vitamin T. One old publication does refer to something in
sesame seeds and egg yolks as vitamin T, saying it 're-establishes blood
coagulation and combats anaemia.' And I have also seen at least one American
product being sold on the internet claiming to contain the vitamin but
without explaining what it is.
The bottom line is that you may as well ignore anything you read about
vitamin T because it isn't a recognised substance nor is there any known
nutrient that answers its description.